Exterior House Painting Services in Los Angeles & Surrounding Areas
In Johnny’s Custom Painting, we take pride in providing our customers with a high quality painting finish using the highest quality of paints to ensure 100% customer satisfaction.
Pressure Wash
The areas to be painted are properly and thoroughly washed to ensure that the areas are properly dust-free and mold-free. This is a very important procedure, since after the washing problem areas that might need any repair can be revealed and most importantly so that the paint can be properly adhere.
Areas not to be painted are covered, such as windows, sidewalks, patios, vehicles and plants to avoid over spray that may damage property.
Any surface that needs repair is either sanded, scrapped, patch, caulk or replace, whichever is necessary depending the area to be painted and changes are made upon the client’s request.
Areas that are repaired are primed if needed before proceeding to the main painting so that there is a uniform finish.
During and after the work is completed, we carefully keep all areas clean, in the evenings all tools are picked up to avoid danger to tenants or any other people.
After all the work is completed, we carefully take enough time to inspect the work site, to ensure everything is properly done and finished.
The Client is welcomed to inspect the site and we greatly appreciate their feedback
French doors
Garage doors and carports
Patios and pagodas
Window bars
Wood, Vinyl, Aluminum siding
Brick Painting & Limewashing
Fascia & Soffit Painting
Garage Door Painting
Railing & Deck Painting & Staining
Light Carpentry & Repairs
Power Washing Services
Services Designed with Your Home in Mind
Johnny’s Custom Painting provides a variety of custom exterior painting services to ensure your home stands out among the rest. Whether you’d like to update your home’s traditional exterior or you’re hoping to present a more modern curb appeal, our team approaches every exterior painting project with detailed knowledge. We are the right exterior home painters for the job.